Hi, I am Andrea Mengascini

PhD Student at CISPA.

a picture of Andrea Mengascini smiling

What I do


I hold a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Bologna and am currently pursuing a PhD in Web Security in Giancarlo Pellegrino group at CISPA, Germany.

Research Focus

My research is dedicated to enhancing security in immersive and social environments, aiming to safeguard interactive digital spaces.


Outside of academia, I engage in DIY tech projects, cultivate my interest in botany, and maintain a regular running routine.


From Attachments to SEO: Click Here to Learn More about Clickbait PDFs!

Giada Stivala, Sahar Abdelnabi, Andrea Mengascini, Mariano Graziano, Mario Fritz, Giancarlo Pellegrino. 2023, ACSAC '23

Uncovering the Role of Support Infrastructure in Clickbait PDF Campaigns

G. Stivala, G. De Stefano, A. Mengascini, M. Graziano, G. Pellegrino. 2024, IEEE EuroS&P